
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Post 24 - A Turning Point

Ok, I'm at my next turning point on the glasair project. The current hangar I'm in is just too busy with income projects. We've been getting along great, but the income jobs are important to the owner so I have to find a new place to build and finish (divide and conquer). Next, I will either:1. move to my house shop, 2. move to another hangar at Arlington, or 3. Find a place at Paine Field. I need a new plan to finish the plane. I won't be able to put the wings on at my house, but its alot closer than Arlington. I need a place at Paine Field soon, than I can put the wings on when ready
 (aw below=after wing)

I could use good idea's but my home is likely where to move for a short while.

This shows about 36 hrs of time of things to do after the wing, 171 hours total, very roughly:

Project time when info
cowling1 4
sand the old air  vent and finish/paint
cowling2 6
airscoop finish
cowling3 4
index pins
cowling4 4
headlight fixture
cowling5 4
electrical1 3
wing lights to wing bus
electrical2 4
servo wing to bus
electrical3 2
electrical4 3
electrical5 5 aw all to panel
electrical6 5
other - all connectors, other dynon
timing 2
electric mag
cable 3
radio, elt & trx to antenna
fuel sys 15 aw firewall aft, all lines, tests
air 5
pitot & static
tunnels 2
2 (light wires, servo, air.. ) & (antennas)
trim  4 aw trim set up
dorsalfin 4
finish sanding
paint1 11
paint2 3
wing spots
paint3 3
interior - navy blue
paint4 1
engine touch up
leather 11
brake fluid 1

pedal stops 3
build fiberglass
pitch servo 2
limiter & check clevis for clearance
baffling 4
electric system 4
review and mark
panel 3
placards 2
panel, px, experimntl….
cabin 4
feet box (2 under heels & 2 side panels)
stick 3
handle, ptt & covers
level & tow in 4 aw
seat 3
underbuild, padding, seat belts & closure
prop 3
spinner 5
cut & install
flaps 11
sand, instl, trim inbd
door latch 3
& canopy instl
calibrate 5 aw Dynon system
fuse/wing fairing 3 aw after flaps


 DAR walk
grnd test

flt test

wheel fairings

                             aw=after wing

Sunday, March 25, 2012

post 24 - Sunday

Today, I flew to Skagit Regional Airport. I had it planned to work on my Cessna at Oak Harbor but Tom was busy with Steve's plane so I flew back to Arlington to work on mine. Very nice day for flying outside.

Today, I finished re-mounting my autopilot roll servo and linkages to the controls. Glassed the inside and outside of the lower cowling to cover the old air intake and close the new scoop. Also completed the turnbuckles and Nico's on the rudder controls. I also got to put new main tires on my Cessna. That took a few hours, but glad to get it done. Also to mention, I ripped apart an old navy blue leather couch for it's upholstery. I will use it for the interior of my glasair. My wife helped me wash the pieces as well as clean the old masking tape off my canopy!

There's a few more photo's chronologically added at the end of the photo album. Link is on the right.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Short Post #23

I've worked out a few issues and still moving along. Not an easy job to sometimes design while fabricating parts.

The rudder cables were difficult to swage to length, so I ordered turnbuckles (arrived today). They will help for adjustments in the future and I noticed there are many airplanes that use turnbuckles on the control cables.

The throttle body and new air intake hung well below the lower cowling. What to do? Cut a big hole in the cowling and decide what to do later. OK, its done. Now, I show up after work, and someone found an extra air scoop in somebody's hangar! It's nice to have friends around. Now we have to match the intake with the scoop and its in work. Purchased more shape-able foam, glued it in place and already laying fiberglass from the cowling to the scoop. This is a big project but looks OK so far. Bill has help me with the foam shaping and sanding, along with two more fiberglass layers on the outside of the lower cowling to close the old air intake.

The roll servo for the Dynon autopilot has been temporarily installed but Terry didn't like the location. I'm in the process of moving it 1/2" lower and aft. It will be fine when complete. Brake system is complete and will put fluid in soon and bleed the system. Dynon replaced one of the servo's since I removed the shear pin while fabricating an attach plate that interfered....thanks Dynon!

Need to create two tunnels from the empannage for wires, antenna's and air for pitot/static system. Need to stabilize design for headlight, but have a few idea's. A few new pics in the album and moving along with some progress!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Build Log 22 - March

I had three issues come up lately; the cowling airbox was interfering with the fuel boost pump box, so I removed the airbox. It wasn't in the best location anyway which is an excuse to move it to a forward facing air intake for the injected throttle body. The Glasair air intake was interfering with the throttle so I sent it back and ordered the Van's forward air intake. This was a solution for both mentioned issues. The Dynon roll servo is normally installed in the wing near the aileron control arm around butt line 100 (100" outboard in the wing) but the wing is closed. I will install under the seat, connecting to an aileron arm coupling.

Let me see if I can update relative to last log:

Completed lately:

Rudder cables moved build sequence in front of wing attachment. Cables with covers and end fittings installed but not adjusted. Injected throttle body air box received from Vans, and now partially assembled. I'm adding the optional air bypass flapper assembly including a cable. More sanding on the dorsal fin, canopies cleaned more thorough and ready to remove adhesive. New landing light  tested and is very bright! Installed ELT remote switch on panel. Redesigned ELT brackets for easier removal from airplane. I designed and fabricated a bracket and location for the Dynon pitch servo for autopilot. It's now mounted in the empennage control tunnel connected to the elevator bell crank. It mounted perfectly and will test later. The servo arm displacement matches the bell crank movement so I am happy.

View the latest photos to see some of the progress.


Adjust rudder pedals in order to install rudder stops. Bring roll servo to Dynon to check shear pin. Fabricate/install servo limiter. Paint for white exhaust and navy blue for interior. Get old couch material for interior and glare shield and adhesive in place. Check clevis bolts on pitch servo for interference. Finish right brake connector & pack right wheel bearing. Air box complete. Cowling review for intake. Switch/breaker layout w/Terry AND create labels is in work. Cut/fasten spinner. Headlight system designed... need to fabricate. Two Empannage systems paths for static port air, strobe light power supply, radio, ELT and transponder antenna, Dynon trim servo wires. Lower cowling needs light cutout, camera cutout, air cutout and closure of old NACA inlet complete. Upper cowling (7) locks. Tail wheel fairing and main gear wheel pants at hangar for fit. Finish electrical connectors at wingtip lights, pitot probe, Dynon roll servo & bus bar under seats. Remote fwd camera needs cockpit display monitor. Sand and finish few spots on dorsal fin, horiz. stabilizer and lower flaps & lower cowling. Spark plug adapters? Electronic mag to be timed/installed. Paperwork for MIDO office, letter and receipt for FAA registry office has been submitted & needs to be checked. Tail dragger review at Harvey Field.
After wing installed:
  • Fuel lines aft of firewall. Complete linkage between wing and rudder pedals, elevator trim system, and flap stop adjustments & pitch servo stop. Calibrate and multi-configure Dynon system (zero system, inclination and magnetic intensity).  New transponder antenna needs to attach to lower wing panel cover. Flap clearance, Seat bulkhead then door latches. Contact FAA inspector for review. pg G-59 instrument side/feet panels & door latches.
Again, my tail number on the Glasair is N88ET or eight eight echo tango.  Battery to instrument panel and POWER ON complete!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Build Log 21

I've taking a small hiatus from writing but still progressing on the plane. Firewall forward (engine area) has been the focus lately. I'll try to catch up on most items here. For paperwork, I'm in the process of registering with the FAA. My tail number on the Glasair is now N88ET or eight eight echo tango. Still further to go for paperwork, but progressing. Some discussion with the local DAR from MIDO and I think it will all go well. 

View the latest photos to see some of the progress.


Finish right brake connector & pack right wheel bearing. Air intake when part arrives & Cowling review for intake. Switch/breaker layout w/Terry AND create labels. Install ELT switch on panel. Clean masking tape off windows. Cut/fasten spinner. Headlight system designed... need to fabricate. Two Empannage systems paths for static port air, strobe light power supply, radio, ELT and transponder antenna, Dynon trim servo. OK Dynon trim servo with Terry and fabricate. Lower cowling needs light cutout, camera cutout, air cutout and cover old NACA inlet that was for carburetor. Upper cowling (7) locks. Tail wheel fairing and main gear wheel pants at hangar for fit. Finish electrical connectors at wingtip lights, pitot probe & bus bar under seats. Remote fwd camera needs cockpit display monitor. Sand and finish few spots on dorsal fin, horiz. stabilizer and lower flaps & lower cowling. Under seat electric bus& Dynon roll servo. Spark plug adapters? Electronic mag to be timed/installed. Paperwork for MIDO office, letter and receipt for FAA registry office. Tail dragger review at Harvey Field.
After wing installed:
  • Fuel lines aft of firewall. Rudder pedal stops, complete linkage between wing and rudder pedals, elevator trim system, and flap stop adjustments. Calibrate and multi-configure Dynon system (zero system, inclination and magnetic intensity).  New transponder need attach to lower wing panel cover. Flap clearance, Seat bulkhead then door locks. Contact FAA inspector for review.
Throttle/mixture/heat cables complete. Throttle/mixture connected/finished at throttle body and instrument panel. almost completed baffling (pg G107) including holes and attachments.  Fuel lines fwd of firewall complete. Dynon fuel flow transducer, oil and pressure and all Dynon probes complete. New ELT antenna installed. Oil cooler re-connected and lines re-routed. Designed locations and mounting of A/P servos. FAA issued tail# N88ET. Research HID headlight complete and at hand. Battery to instrument panel and POWER ON complete.