Pics. It's extremely exciting to work on a project like this and put everything together. If anyone local is reading this and would like to input their idea's in design or fabrication, by all means, please let me know.
I've created a new
PROJECT file for reference.
I've flown twice lately to Arlington to work on the project and making a little progress. Most of the work is a continuation of older logs. Next steps include mounting the magnetometer for the Dynon system, mounting the Lightspeed Engineering Distributorless Capacitor Discharge ignition system unit on the firewall, and cutting a hole in the firewall for electrical passage. These will be clean systems and hope they will ground test successfully. Last few days:
- cleaning and sanding the dorsal fin,
- fiberglass, closing, and sanding of the flaps, ailerons, elevator tip for the counterbalances.
- closing and checking all fasteners on the empennage, internal to the controls.
- finishing and sanding the NACA cabin air inlets. Will attach internal fittings next.
- re-installing instruments on powder coated panel, and electrical systems wiring for radio, intercom, Dynon, jacks, switches, and breakers.
Pitot Tube was built and fiber glassed on the outb'd access panel but is only 2.5" below the center of the wing. If anyone thinks this is not far enough below, I haven't seen any scientific evidence to prove otherwise, but would like to know. Most are mounted further away. Will watch for indicated airspeed corrections compared to GPS and other systems. Not a safety issue though.