Meeting some of the greatest people along the way is part of this journey.
Jeff LaVelle, a Glasair III pilot and Reno Air Race winner looked over my plane for the second time with very few squawks on Saturday. Jeff had been talking about assisting with the testing but may be busy.
I just started advertizing my 1966 Cessna 150F on Barnstormers and had an email from Ken Krueger from Oregon. I suspected it could be the same Ken who worked for Van's forever. Sunday, I worked on the glasair for a while than washed the 150. Ken arrived from Oregon in his RV4 while I was washing and helped out. He also needed a local ride so we talked and he didn't mind hanging out with me. We flew the 150 to Harvey Field then back to Paine Field and to the glasair to close a few panels up and go to the big runway for a taxi run. I dropped Ken off by the west hangars while I taxied to the 9,000 ft 16 right runway. Here's another learning experience for me. I heard a very small noise from the right main wheel at the end of a previous taxi run. I should have turned back to the hangar and inspected, but completed another taxi run. With about 5000ft, that right brake issue became hot. These are never used but original brakes from the 1980's and maybe hadn't set correctly or had FOD in them. When I pulled off the runway, Ken radioed me regarding the visible hot right wheel as I pulled up. All was OK but, now back to the hangar and will replace a few brake parts before my next taxi. This was a good, safe experience to get past. I'm also glad Ken was around to watch and to have dialog with after the test run. What a great experience.
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