
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Log 95 - Minor mods, My Glasair flt #4, (6 for the plane)

Last few days, I worked on cooling design, fab and installation. I added louvers, added an air deflector (firewall to lower fuselage) and a few other things. Today, I put it together, re-set the angles steeper on my propeller blades, closed it up, got the test info ready and off to the fuel pumps. I did some tests, recorded header tank at 5.6 gallons from empty to full, filled main tank for the first time, checked for fuel drop while switching tanks, recorded, and off to runway 34 left, Alpha 7.

I took off and climbed too steep without realizing, got a little hot and leveled till cool again. I then began climbing to 5,000 ft to orbit above Paine Field. All was going good. I dropped the flaps in, switched tanks after about a minute and turned off the high pressure boost pump. All was good and smooth. Still amazing to me how fast, smooth and responsive the airplane is. I tested multiple rpms, small dives and climbs, turns and just got comfortable for 45 minutes. Soon, I descended back to Paine field, with some communication and not a perfect landing but know what I need to do to make it better. I taxied back checking temps again and back at the hangar, realized one part of a temporary mod had come loose and was even closing the air outlet. I hope this proves to make the temperatures lower on the next flight! Flight photos on the link to the right..... 2013may1.

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