
Friday, May 30, 2014

Log 115 - 2014may another San Juan Islands Trip/Commute to Work

Friday morning commute to work from Friday Harbor, San Juan Island
I was at Friday Harbor on San Juan Island north of Seattle just a few days ago and took the airport striped bike to the shop for maintenance. My friend Kurt Hartzog asked for a ride Thursday after work and mentioned I could stay if I like. He was meeting his brother, Mike and buddies for a few days of fishing. We flew up after work via the coastlines over Camino Island, Skagit Valley, almost to Bellingham airport, by Lummi and Orcas Island to Friday Harbor. After walking from the airport through town, we were at the boat docks where Mike and friends were filleting two halibut they caught. We all went to a local friends house and had a great fish dinner. Most of the guys were kiteborder buddies but we talked and had some common activities and even knew some of the same friends. The group was a few from Seattle, Portland, Las Vegas and Phoenix, a respectable group. After the gathering, Kurt and I spent the night on Mike's boat.

I woke up early Friday morning, taking a shower at the marina and off to the airport before 6 am. The sun was up and it was clear, cleaning the dew from the Glasair windshield and taking off southbound to Paine Field, next to work. Flying back was no wind and a few low clouds otherwise clear for the 20 minute flight home. A small drive from the airport and I'm back to work for the day....another nice small trip.

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