
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Log 40

Today I had a chance to update my 'to do' list in excel since log post 24. I loaded 12 photos at picasa .

I connected autopilot pitch servo to the wing bus bar and cleaned up a few wires. Cleaning up wires means fastening down the bus bar and trying to make less of a mess of all the wiring installation, and keep it from rubbing anywhere, among other things like air hoses. Also safety wire and torque seal on wing body and other fasteners. More later!

Log 39

Two more days and about 10 more hours of work. Network cable worked best with twisted pair wires to connect my pitch servo in aft fuselage to the wing bus bar, stripped wire, spliced, shrink wrap, locate and stabilize with wire sleeves. ELT coax and ends fabricated, installed and ELT well. ELT to panel ran. Wire ties everywhere, stand off dialog and will be needed for firewall fwd wires. Torqued and safety wired bolts wing/body. Closed out wingtips included 28 fasteners silicone through hole/connectors for wires in fwd position. More soon.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Log 38

Summer days, its tough to write all the items accomplished lately when getting home late. I'll try a summary:
Enlarged systems tunnels, fastened down tunnels, holes in panel for fuel & other. Pedal stops-started, pedal springs on, lights marked and plugged, wing bus bar almost finished, coax for NAV, COM and Transx complete and installed. ELT wire installed, more aileron clearance and protectors modified. Wingtips on and need outside fasteners, wire install stand offs and silicone, oil overflow valve on, air clamps almost complete, sidewall brackets started, preparing tail wheel lock lever &fuel line. Safety wired ailerons & close counterbalances. Some painting on tips & exhaust. Fiber glassed cowling radius's to scoop, headlight bracket & wire route on. Software upgrade on Dynon and pins in connected/connected magnetometer. Other items if I can check my lists tomorrow.

First time to sit in the seat pan and check leg length...all good.

Electric standoff's firewall forward, finish side load brackets (3 plies each). passenger stick machine part, need ELT coax made, and everything else on my list to check tomorrow. Paint inside of cowl & find heat tape. Find why I have a COM error on the radio, why transx won't find Dynon altitude. Getting closer every day. Also update excel of hours and details spent so far on plane.